President of Ukraine signs Law to recognize and support the Plast movement | Plast

This law confirms the country’s recognition of the historical contribution of the Plast movement to the education of children and youth, and in the process of Ukraine gaining statehood and establishing its independence. The laws establishes the foundation for the country’s policies in furthering the development of the Plast and scouting Movement in Ukraine.  Plast and other Scout organizations also will be able to develop new models of cooperation within the framework of the country’s policy on youth.

The law does not, however, provide for direct financing from the country’s budget.  For this reason Plast is continuing with its fundraising campaign to collect 10.500.000 hryvnias, which will ensure the sustainable development of the organization in 2020.  We encourage everyone to support the activities of Plast to make scouting available to every child in all regions of Ukraine:

Plast appreciates the work of initiators of the legislation and for the support of other organizations which helped us to receive this legislative recognition at the national level.  In particular, Plast expresses its gratitude to the Ukrainian World Congress, to the international and Ukrainian councils of the Ukrainian Youth Association (SUM), Ukrainian associations in Australia, USA and Canada, to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and the Plast Parliamentary Association of national deputies.


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