Plast needs your help, friend | Plast

Dear Friend!

Plast needs your help vitally nowadays. It depends on you whether the organization continues to raise new Ukrainian leaders of the future or stops because of corona virus and it`s economic consequences.  We can save Plast together!

We have a lot of launched local/national projects and even more are in plans. A big amount of them are threatened now unfortunately. It was already seen how the donations, business assistance and state support of Plast have declined.

Thanks to Plast members and supporters the organization endured two world wars, 3 revolutions and 80 years of Communist occupation and was officially revived in complicated 90-x. Plast has been educating Ukrainian youth during 108 years already. Here are growing  the leaders and conscious citizen. Plast scouts are learning to be optimistic, successful people and responsible patriots from childhood. The more youth is involved to Plast educational system – the more benefit they could bring to our society and state in the future.

That`s why we are encouraging everyone to support our work and to contribute the rescue and development of Plast. Maybe you or your family members were involved to Plast movement or you support our values and goals. We are sure that in difficult times Plast  can count on you and thousands of other supporters. Even the smallest of your help will help the organization to survive difficult times without slowing down the pace pf work with youth.

You could help Plast here:


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