Report of the Plast’s military support headquarters: March 20 | Plast

Dear friends, we want to share with you the results we have managed to achieve together as of March 20:

Also today Plast member Yaryna, who is the coordinator of the Plast headquarters in Obukhiv city, handed over hike mats, first aid kits, food, socks, soap-shampoo-gels, disposable tableware, and a bag of neck pillows with the help of a Plast member Danylo Mayorov to Territorial defense forces of Kyiv and the Colonel. It would be impossible without your support!

Now our defenders need 1,300 bulletproof vests, together we have raised funds for 400 vests, 130 of which are already on their way. We need around $ 170,000 (about UAH 5 million) for another 900 vests.

Our Fight continues! Every fulfilled request leads us to victory!

Support our defenders!

Glory To Ukraine!


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