Ukrainian scouts are camping with harcerze in Polish HBO Nasichne | Plast

Ukrainian and Polish scouts camp together!

As you know, this summer thousands of our scouts can’t have their camping in many regions of Ukraine because of the war. Due to our friends – Polish harcerze – a lot of Ukrainian children have their camps in Poland together with local scouts.

Here you can see photos from camps in HBO Nasiczne – there were some of our troops.

Besides, one of camps had some Ukrainian children, that cannot back to their houses because of russian occupation. 10-year-old boy told that later he will come back home with his family and take his scout uniform and scarf to sew up badges. We also hope that he could do it as soon as possible and, as scouts, will help our country in many ways.

Ukraine thanks a lot Polish scouts for their help, especially Chorągiew Gdańska ZHP. You make anxious summer more calm and happy for our children. We feel real scouting brotherhood

Also a huge thank to Nova Ukraine for providing camp “Chumacky Shliakh” (“Milky Way”) with transport!


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