Plastyny — Ukrainian scouts have been working towards the victory of Ukraine for 110 years already: support Ukraine along with Plast.

Plast is the oldest and largest scouting group in Ukraine
Plast — the Ukrainian Scouting Organization, has been functioning without interruption since 1912, and is the largest scouting group in Ukraine. The three main promises in the oath of each plastyn, just as with any scout in the world — are duty to God and country, duty to help other people, and duty to live by the scouting code. The educational methods of the organization are built upon Ukrainian traditions and customs, helping each small Ukrainian to better understand their roots, to know the history of their country and to feel a sense of belonging to the Ukrainian nation. As typical for scouts, all activities and events are directed at teaching youth certain habits: independence, living in harmony with nature, creativity, leadership, and teamwork, etc. This will help them become successful in life and to work to develop Ukraine.
Currently, there are close to 10,000 young people and 2,000 adults in Plast. Throughout its history, the organization has contributed to the education and upbringing of tens of thousands of Ukrainians. We are proud of each of them, because everyone, regardless of the scope of their activity, works for the benefit of their country. Among them, are world famous individuals, such as Kvitka Cisyk, Lubomyr Husar, Bohdan Hawrylyshyn, Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper, Lubomyr Romankiv and many others.

Also, there are young scouts, who are only beginning their life journey, and who are already helping Ukraine — each according to their abilities. With the start of the war, plastynka Marichka started producing energy bars for our soldiers at the front. Currently, she is helped by everyone, including the youngest scouts to the oldest, they provide funding, or ingredients or help in the production.
Help support Ukrainian scouts in the battle for Ukraine:

For 110 years scouts have been working for the benefit of Ukraine
For 110 years scouts have been working for the benefit of Ukraine. During every stage of the existence of the organization, scouts have been defending Ukrainian and democratic values and love of country. Sadly, during a large proportion of the time that our nation has existed, it has been necessary to fight for its independence. For large periods of time, especially during the occupation of the Soviet Union, scouts and the entire organization were persecuted by those who held power. Speaking in Ukrainian was dangerous: tens of thousands of individuals, including scouts, were killed.

Since 1930, Plast was forced to function as an underground organization and since 1939, could only work outside of the boundaries of Ukraine. One of the founders of Plast, Ivan Chmola, was arrested by the Soviets and perished in the Drohobych Prison. A scout, Lev Lebishchak, who spent many years in exile in Siberia, recalls: “Two NKVD agents arrived, and went to the neighbors asking “Where is Chmola?” And they answered that “Chmola lives there”.
After a few minutes, they escorted him out, put him into a vehicle, and turned it around. Across the way lived an old former Sich Rifleman, Dmitro Burko. He was a teacher who taught us German at the high school. They placed Burko into the vehicle and took them both away. They killed him there. Many people were murdered in Drohobych”.
History repeats itself. We are doing everything possible to protect our independence

History repeats itself, and currently Putin wishes to recreate the Soviet Union and encroaches on the independence of Ukraine. We know how this will turn out for us; we recall the murder and torture of Ukrainians and scouts. We are and we will remain a nation, who live according to our wishes and values. Scouts are always prepared for everything, to defend Ukraine’s independence and to expel Russian occupiers from our land forever. Today, over 1000 plast scouts are serving in the army and are defending democratic principles by taking up arms. Unfortunately, 9 of them have already lost their lives.

One plastynka-soldier — a journalist from the heroic city of Mariupol. On the 28th of February, she joined the ranks of the Territorial Defense of Kyiv. Maryna was used to fighting irrespective of what weapons she had: a machine gun or the support of hundreds of people.
Recently, Plast delivered equipment to Maryna and her battalion, consisting of 10 two way radios, 10 pairs of knee pads, 10 pairs of tactical gloves and 10 load bearing vests. In addition to this, we provide resources, buying tactical first aid kits, body armor, thermal imagers, drones, two way radios, sleeping bags, thermal underwear, and much more. We know that soldiers need our help today. With the assistance of many donors we have been able to contribute over 1.2 million euros.
Over 10,000 members of Plast assist and provide aid in Ukraine’s struggle with the occupiers. Scouts lead activities for refugee children, help families in their search for temporary housing, participate with local authorities to transport humanitarian aid, medicines to hospitals throughout Ukraine.

We are strong because of Your support

We are incredibly thankful to scouts, to Ukrainians, and to all those who are not indifferent, for words of support for Ukraine, for donations and indispensable items for both soldiers and civilians. We are thankful to the diaspora for appealing to your governments in demanding support for Ukraine, for your letters and for informing others of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. We are also deeply thankful to all those who sheltered Ukrainians in your homes and who are prepared to lead summer camps for children at your scouting centers. We will continue the struggle and will fight until the end, we will make every effort to achieve victory!
We are thankful that you are with us because together we can overcome the evil that threatens everything in the democratic world.
How to help
The best way to support the Plast — National Scouts Organization of Ukraine is to make a monetary donation on our Website:
Also we would be thankful for any amount of foods, medicine and the goods from this list:
Donations are used strictly for the purposes of Ukrainian civilians and defenders. We do everything possible to protect our independence today. That is why all the resources we get, we use to help Ukrainians: first aid kits, medicine, food, sleeping bags, helmets, radios, etc. Also, in some regions of Ukraine we are trying to resume activities with children very carefully. We must fight in all the ways which are possible and we do. Thank You for being with us today!
Follow these official pages for regular updates about Your help, reports and activities of Plast — Ukrainian Scouts:
Support us in protecting Ukraine.
With greetings from all Ukrainian Scouts!
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