History of Plast member on Heroes’ Day | Plast

Heroes’ Day is an international holiday created to remember outstanding persons,including fighters for the freedom of Ukraine. A cub-scout with a  stick in the photo is a good example of how scout education is linked to the economic success of the Ukrainian nation.

The photo was taken by Yulian Dorosh in 1929 in Pidlutny. This little girl is Sofiyka Klepachivska. The photo captures the moment when Sofia first time kept watch to guard the entrance to the camp. The security was serious at the time: once she didn`t even let her mother pass until a mentor and a camp attendant appeared at her whistle.

Sofia’s parents were active activists in the Ukrainian People’s Republic (UPR) during the national liberation struggle of 1917-1921. Despite the difficult political life, they took to emigration many documents from the state archives. Later, in the United States, Sofia’s mother was one of the main sponsors and organizers of funding for the Research Center for the Ukrainian Revolution and Statehood in Chicago (where the State Archives and Museum were located). For many years, she made significant donations to Ukrainian military invalids.

Sofiyka grew up and married a guy with a similar fate – Yuri Feshchenko-Chopivsky. Yuri’s mother, Zinaida Lukina, was an employee of the Military-Industrial Committee. And his father was not only a member of the Central Council and Minister of National Trade of the UPR, but also the founder of the Department of Metallography and General Metallurgy at the Krakow Mining Academy and a member of the Iron and Steel Institute in London.

Their son Yuriy  Chopivsky, became a successful businessman in the United States and a prominent Ukrainian philanthropist. It was he who paid for the maintenance of the Ukrainian embassy in Washington for the first 1.5 years of it`s work and became one of the key sponsors of Ukrainian studies at Stanford University.

Heroes’ Day is not only a tribute to those who died for Ukraine’s independence. It is also a holiday to those who worked in every day live for Ukraine as Yevhen Chykalenko wrote: “To the depth of their pocket”. In this day we should remember those, who kept watch like Sofia from the photo.

If you also want to support the development of Ukrainian youth and the development of Ukraine, you can do so here: https://bit.ly/3bRxIRe

Heroes’ Day is an international holiday created to remember outstanding persons,including fighters for the freedom of Ukraine. A cub-scout with a  stick in the photo is a good example of how scout education is linked to the economic success of the Ukrainian nation.

The photo was taken by Yulian Dorosh in 1929 in Pidlutny. This little girl is Sofiyka Klepachivska. The photo captures the moment when Sofia first time kept watch to guard the entrance to the camp. The security was serious at the time: once she didn`t even let her mother pass until a mentor and a camp attendant appeared at her whistle.

Sofia’s parents were active activists in the Ukrainian People’s Republic (UPR) during the national liberation struggle of 1917-1921. Despite the difficult political life, they took to emigration many documents from the state archives. Later, in the United States, Sofia’s mother was one of the main sponsors and organizers of funding for the Research Center for the Ukrainian Revolution and Statehood in Chicago (where the State Archives and Museum were located). For many years, she made significant donations to Ukrainian military invalids.

Sofiyka grew up and married a guy with a similar fate – Yuri Feshchenko-Chopivsky. Yuri’s mother, Zinaida Lukina, was an employee of the Military-Industrial Committee. And his father was not only a member of the Central Council and Minister of National Trade of the UPR, but also the founder of the Department of Metallography and General Metallurgy at the Krakow Mining Academy and a member of the Iron and Steel Institute in London.

Their son Yuriy  Chopivsky, became a successful businessman in the United States and a prominent Ukrainian philanthropist. It was he who paid for the maintenance of the Ukrainian embassy in Washington for the first 1.5 years of it`s work and became one of the key sponsors of Ukrainian studies at Stanford University.

Heroes’ Day is not only a tribute to those who died for Ukraine’s independence. It is also a holiday to those who worked in every day live for Ukraine as Yevhen Chykalenko wrote: “To the depth of their pocket”. In this day we should remember those, who kept watch like Sofia from the photo.

If you also want to support the development of Ukrainian youth and the development of Ukraine, you can do so here: https://bit.ly/3bRxIRe


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