Plast scouts perform their professional and civil duties | Plast

Many scout physicians around the world perform their own professional duty, struggling with the pandemic COVID-19. One of such people, which makes our world better every day is Natalka Nahuliak.

She is a member of the Plast Supervisory Board, where her responsibility is to develop a system of work with adult volunteers over 35 y.o. Natalka now runs an emergency medical team that works to check suspicion of COVID-19. In the photo – Natalia is in  Plast scout uniform, on the other is in a protective suit in a hospital.

“Fear is the most damaging thing in my work. Fear breeds aggression. There are few calls at the beginning, because people perceive physicians as a potential threat. There are more challenges now because people are sick. This, in turn, creates new, worse fears”- ,says Natalka.

From the positive, as Natalka says, volunteers help a lot in the fight against the spread of the virus.

By the way, in addition to her position on Plast’s supervisory board, Natalka spends a lot of time educating youth:

? brings up a group of girls scouts;

? coordinates the work in a cub-scout troop (union of newcomers – children 6-11 years old);

? makes the same in a scout troop named after Kwitka Cisyk (a similar association, but older girls 12-17 years old).

We hope this history inspired you not to give up and work harder for the future as it Natalks does ?


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